About visit.przemysl.pl

We would like to introduce to you our newly integrated tourist information system for the town of Przemyśl. It is dedicated both to our town citizens and tourists.

Our system consists of:
- tourist portal – accessable from any web browser (compatible with stationary computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones) – specifically created to work with infokiosks,
- mobile aplication dedicated to mobile devices (tablet/smartphone), which works
with most popular operating systems (Android and iOS).

Both of these applications will share information and news concerning mainly tourism, culture, recent cultural/tourist events and thier announcements, up-to-date and complete contact database (tourist atractions, lodging and boarding, party organisers, tourist information, tourist/sport/recreational sites, etc.).

One of its goals i salso to create an attractive graphic and technological promotion of our city, and mostly important full data base for tourists concerning our City for tourist, as to its accessability through:
- internet browsers
- mobile devices,
- infokiosks.

You have the possibility of planning one’s stay in Przemyśl or simply spending free time (schedule) along with showing a person the route to a specific object /event on map and guidance to that object (navigation)

Our website address:

Applications for mobile devices can be downloaded from www.visit.przemysl.pl or by scanning fotocode with phone/smartphone which will be placed on information materials, tablets, stickers, which will be distributed throughout the whole city.

Download app "Przemyśl mobile" (Android - Google Play) >>>

Download app "Przemyśl mobile" (iOS - Appple Store) >>>

The system will be available in both: Polish and English language.

The Application is adjusted to different screen resolutions available in mobile devices (laptop/smatphone/tablet)
Objects in our system were divided into clear categories according to their use (i.e. lodging, boarding, culture and art, sport and recreation), which allows the users to quickly find information where to dine, spend a night, spend free time or how to plan your weekend.

Application will alow you to find information about museums, relics or places worth visiting, and also more practical information like public transportation, pharmacies, medical assistance, post offices, institutions tourist offices or cash machines. All of the above makes the website and application a practical guide for tourists and town residents.

Practical PLANER gives the user an opportunity to choose an interesting attraction by adding particular object/event to the calendar and planning for example a weekend stay in Przemyśl.

The objects also have an added description, contact information, and in most examples pictures.

Moreover each object is equiped with a map what makes locating them a lot easier.

Due to an option „show route” our application will create a digital route to the chosen object.

The portal and the application are systematically updated and new contents are frequently added(i.e. relics descriptions or travel routes). The application user can in any moment receive an update (i.e latest information about parties, sport or tourist events). Additionaly the application will inform the user about possible upgrades every month.

The application works in both online and offline mode. After receiving the application for the first time the user has to access the internet (DSL, WI-FI or Mobile) only to receive an update or to use the navigation system which shows the route to target location.

Information for tourist, hotel or gastronomic branch and cultural events, sport and touristic organizers:

We paid special attention to include up-to-date information while preparing our system. In order to fulfill its role, as a complete and up-to-date guide of Przemyśl, the application’s data must be constantly updated (i.e. dates and descriptions of cultural events, boarding and lodging contact data). Therefore we encourage you to co-create tourist information system.

Owners of pubs, cafeterias, restaurants, hotels, etc. are welcome to update those data free of charge.

We encourage you to send us current contact information, promotional information encouraging to visit your place (if you would also like to promote your place in English, please send us the translated version of the text)
As the system has an option of adding a photo material to the description, please send us attractive and good quality photos (i.e.photos of building, restaurant’s interior or hotel).

We also encourage all of the organisers of concerts, displays, tourist raids, outdoor parties or cultural, sport and tourist events to send us information, party programmes and posters.

City Promotion Department
Przemyśl Town Hall
e-mail: pr@um.przemysl.pl
Privacy policy: http://amistad.pl/polityka-prywatnosci

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